Armando Ferrara
I am a human who likes to think, and I am passionate about

Cloud computing.

Distributed Systems.


Software Engineering.

About Me

Hi, I’m Armando, essentially a computer scientist based on Earth.
Now comes the part where I should make you briefly understand who I am.
But I believe that words do not have the descriptive ability to enclose a human thought.
But I can tell you what my strength is, which at the same time is my main problem: I ask myself too many questions and cast doubt upon everything around me.

Strength points

To understand the things that surround us, many times we have to put ourselves in another's shoes. We will always find a foundation of human logic that leads to certain actions, in everyone.

Public speaking

Feel comfortable speaking in public is an important aspect for not enclose your knowledge inside you. Argue about a problem is the first step for find a solution and many times it is the only way to forward.

Critical thinking

For be innovators, we should use the ability to reason. It is about being an active learner rather than a passive recipient of information.


I am particularly attracted to the unknown, for me it is a source of continuous motivation, to go beyond the borders and see what is there

Problem solving

I think it is easy to define problem solver today, but I believe even more that some aspects that I have described in this section are really fundamental.

Make people laugh

A skill that I carry with me since I was a child, I love when people laugh. I think it is necessary to relax the environment to think better, without stress.

Weaknesses Tables
In the process of being resolved
  • Too rigorous
  • Too talkative
  • Too doubtful
  • too unconfidentfixed
To be solved in the future
  • Too friendly
  • Too ironic
  • Too greedy
  • Too farsightednew
Fun Facts
Open source fan
421452512151 Coffes
42 Projects Completed
14 Countries Visited
50+ Books Read
Lines of code every day
5 conspiracy theory that I believe
A lot of matches lost
Photos that I like
Get in Touch
Where I am now

Zurich, Switzerland



+41 078 2259222
+39 328 6316043

What I am looking for


My actual position

I am working for DormaKaba. Specifically, distributed systems through AWS.